The history club offers history, debates, guest speakers, and much more

By Nevaeh Grant '24, managing editor

   When the history club started the club in 2022, there were members that voted on activities to complete. They voted on a number of activities and one was creating an online history magazine. The rationale behind it was to provide another opportunity for students to do creative work based on history and social studies that goes beyond just sitting in a teacher's email for a grade. This is a big team effort for a larger audience that helps them practice content creation, collaboration, research, and technology literacy while practicing various history skills.

   The magazine is always growing and changing. It typically consists of History Club updates and highlights, member submissions, and then some theme that club officers and leadership agree on. However, they have expanded it to also include a section for staff and faculty. The history club's purpose for the addition was to reach a broader audience by approaching history and social studies from their disciplines. Their hope is that more readers will tune in when they see some of the contributors such as Mrs. Kelchner or Mrs. Stump. It should also be apparent that there is something in history for everyone. 

   "Here is a hypothetical. Suppose a student named "Kevin Markowski" loved science class but thought history and social studies were dreadful. Kevin may see Mr. Kramer's name in the Winter Edition and read his History of Alchemy helping him to realize maybe history is for him." Mr. Grybos added. "We hope to keep expanding it and changing it to make it more interesting, important, and bringing in more diverse voices such as coaches, alumni, and other staff that will be great additions." 

   The upcoming magazine is going to include:

  *   Club highlights

  *   General member submissions

  *   Data, polling, and graph section

  *   History & social studies habits of mind and skills section

  *   General staff and faculty submissions

Contributors and club members get a free copy (paid for by club funds). If you would like your own copy, they can make it for $3 just to cover printing costs for students.