Mr. Weller working hard in his office surrounded by his many posters.

(Photo by Emily Stanton ‘23, staff writer and layout and design)

Behind the scenes of Mr. Weller

By Emily Stanton '23, staff writer and layout and design

  Mr. Matt Weller has been a guidance counselor for a total of 25 years, spending 23 of them at Shamokin Area. However, he is not just our guidance counselor; he does many exciting things in his free time and over summer break. His favorites include swimming, snowboarding, and going to concerts. He is so much more than our guidance counselor, in fact he has many interesting and fun hobbies that might be a shock to those who don’t know him well. 

When you leave the school, what is the first thing you do?

MW: “Three days a week I go to Luzerne (LCCC) to teach.” 

What do you do in your free time?

MW:  “My three passions are lifeguarding/swimming, snowboarding, and listening to Katy Perry.”

What do you like to do when over summer break? 

MW:“I work at Knoebels as a lifeguard during the summer and I really enjoy doing that,” he stated. 

Where do you like to visit the most?

MW: “Las Vegas for going to concerts and swimming, and Utah for snowboarding.”

What would your ideal day look like?

MW: “My ideal day would be swimming, snowboarding, and hanging out with Katy Perry and Marie Osmond.”

Do you have any secret talents?

MW: “I like to kick box and I’ve been in a few competitions. I was also a nationally ranked wiffle ball player in the 90s and early 2000s. I traveled the East Coast for championships and I was even in the top 10 once!”